Mukul Rohatgi ventured down as Principal legal officer in June 2017. KK Venugopal took over after him.

New Delhi: Senior legal counselor Mukul Rohatgi will return as the Head legal officer of India, the public authority’s top attorney, sources said today.

Mukul Rohatgi, 67, ventured down as Head legal officer in June 2017. KK Venugopal took over after him.

Mr Venugopal’s drawn out residency closes on September 30. He filled in as the Middle’s top regulation official for quite some time.

At the point when he finished three years in 2020, Mr Venugopal, 91, mentioned the Middle to let him go due to his age. The public authority requested that he go on for another term. He remained on, however just for two years.

Mukul Rohatgi will start his second spell on October 1, sources say. He has likewise filled in as Extra Specialist General of India before.

Sources express even after Mr Rohatgi left office in 2017, the public authority counseled him on delicate legitimate issues including the rejecting of Article 370 that allowed unique status to Jammu and Kashmir.

In his initial term, Mr Rohatgi was delegated the public authority’s top legal counselor in 2014, not long after the BJP won an immense order and came to control.


One of India’s most high-profile legal advisors, Mr Rohatgi has a few significant cases surprisingly, including the Gujarat riots case, in which he addressed the Gujarat government. He additionally contended the case connected with the Public Legal Arrangement Commission. All the more as of late, Mr Rohatgi drove the safeguard group of Shah Rukh Khan’s child Aryan Khan, who was captured in the medications on-voyage case.

By Martin